Covid -19 Coaching Update January 2021
Important Announcement!!
Last Updated 19th August 2021

Last Updated 8th August 2021
Please Note: All Grit School On Site Tennis Activites are suspended for 2 weeks or until further notice from School Administration and their school policies with external sporting providers.
Last Updated 1st June 2021
Outdoor sport
- Outdoor based organisations are no longer considered a restricted business, activity or undertaking. Therefore, organisations are no longer required to comply with an Industry COVID Safe Plan.
- It is not possible for contact sports to observe physical distancing while undertaking activity, however physical distancing should be observed at all other times, where possible.
- Whilst not mandatory, best practice to continue to clean frequently touched surfaces and shared equipment.
- Indoor spaces associated with outdoor clubs such as clubhouses with licenced hospitality activities or canteens with indoor dining, are required to follow occupant density requirements of one person per two square metres. These areas are mandated to use the Check In Qld app to collect contact information for the purposes of contact tracing.
Last Updated 12 January 2021
COVID-19 Contact Tracing
From Thursday 24 December 2020 the Queensland Government will require all businesses (including clubs and associations) to implement electronic registration of participants attending a facility or event. Paper registration of attendees will no longer be sufficient to meet contact tracing requirements.
GRIT TENNIS would like to let all our clients know that 2021 all visitors and clients are to login using Veridoc Login QR code at each Venue that takes place with our program by doing these following instructions:
In addition with abiding the following conditions:
· Parents are encouraged to stop drop and go to avoid unnecessary gathering.
· Players are to have their own racquets and if they are in financial hardship they can request one from me.
· Players are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer in their racquet bags.
· Players are limited to what equipment can be touched if the equipment is touched they will need to make sure not to touch their face but to sanitize their hands after.
· Both players and coaches will need to be in a healthy state. If a child is sick please remain at home; if they turn up and look unwell, Grit staff will contact parents immediately to pick up your child and they will not participate in class.
· Players and coaches have the right to wear masks and gloves during their play if they feel it is necessary.
· Players must follow entry and exit instructions.
Yours in Tennis
Please help to keep our clubs, schools and players healthy by abiding by hygiene and physical distancing restrictions. Thanks for your cooperation
Last Updated 2nd July 2020
COVID-19 Stage Three in place this week
On Tuesday the Queensland Government released their updated Roadmap to Easing Restrictions bringing forward Stage 3 to begin at 12pm, Friday July 3.
Stage 3 allows for the resumption of activity including competition and physical contact, which is permitted in the field of play. Indoor facilities and amenities can also open with one person per four square meters. More information on tournaments will be sent to clubs in the coming days.
The Tennis Queensland Return to Play Roadmap has been updated to reflect the government’s changes and outline the steps your facility must take to safely ease restrictions.
While our state is fortunate to be moving to stage 3, now more than ever it is essential that you continue to apply the conditions as set out in the approved COVID Safe Industry Plan for Outdoor Sport.
GRIT TENNIS would like to let all our clients know that as of Monday 13th of July we will start our Term 3 2020 Sessions at Schools and Clubs. Adult coaching for cardio and squad programs will also resume back. A personal text message will be sent to you for more information to come.
· Parents are encouraged to stop drop and go to avoid unnecessary gathering.
· Players are to have their own racquets and if they are in financial hardship they can request one from me.
· Players are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer in their racquet bags.
· Players are limited to what equipment can be touched if the equipment is touched they will need to make sure not to touch their face but to sanitize their hands after.
· Both players and coaches will need to be in a healthy state. If a child is sick please remain at home; if they turn up and look unwell, Grit staff will contact parents immediately to pick up your child and they will not participate in class.
· Players and coaches have the right to wear masks and gloves during their play if they feel it is necessary.
· Players must follow entry and exit instructions.
Yours in Tennis
Please help to keep our clubs, schools and players healthy by abiding by hygiene and social distancing restrictions. Thanks for your cooperation
Last Updated 8th June 2020
Approved: COVID Safe Plan for Outdoor Sports
We are pleased to announce the Industry COVID Safe Plan for Outdoor Sports has been approved by the Queensland State Government.
This plan allows for tennis venues to operate programs with up to 10 people per court, as per the exemption request submitted by Tennis Queensland. This change will allow multi-court and multi-use venues to host multiple groups (no more than 20 people per group) on site at your venue at one time, with strict compliance measures in place.
Prior to implementing this change, affiliates should note:
- There must be no co-mingling of groups where multiple groups of 20 are proposed within a designated space
- Management and segmentation of groups must be applied
- Strict hygiene measures must be applied
For compliance with the Queensland State Government, all coaches and affiliates must complete the following checklists:
On completion, a representative from your venue will need to sign the QLD Government compliance statement. This must be displayed publicly at the venue to comply.
An updated Return to Play Roadmap and further information about the latest Health Advice will be distributed on Monday 8 June 2020.
Other important points to note from GRIT Coaching: – We will be returning Group Coaching hopefully on the 8th of June!
GRIT TENNIS would like to let all our clients know that as of Monday 8th of June we are hoping to resume our Junior Tennis program at clubs only! Coaches will be conducting a game-based approach coaching. We would like to inform you that as of the 8th of June these lessons are 2 weeks make up sessions which are to be made up from the last term. The other remaining weeks of this term GRIT COACHING TEAM have decided we will not charge you for our service. We know it has been a long time coming; however, we do recognise there might be some hardship for families, and for now we would like to see your children active. Adult coaching programs are soon to follow however fees may apply. A personal text message will be sent to you for more information to come.
· Parents are encouraged to stop drop and go to avoid unnecessary gathering.
· Players are to have their own racquets and if they are in financial hardship they can request one from me.
· Players are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer in their racquet bags.
· Players are limited to what equipment can be touched if the equipment is touched they will need to make sure not to touch their face but to sanitize their hands after.
· Both players and coaches will need to be in a healthy state. If a child is sick please remain at home; if they turn up and look unwell, Grit staff will contact parents immediately to pick up your child and they will not participate in class.
· Players and coaches have the right to wear masks and gloves during their play if they feel it is necessary.
· Players must follow entry and exit instructions.
Yours in Tennis
Please help to keep our club and players healthy by abiding by hygiene and social distancing restrictions. Thanks for your cooperation
Last Updated 1st June 2020
COVID-19 Stage Two restrictions brought forward
Yesterday the Queensland Government released their updated Roadmap to Easing Restrictions bringing forward Stage 2 to begin at 12pm today, Monday 1 June.
Please view the following:
The Tennis Queensland Return to Play Roadmap has since been updated to reflect this accelerated timeline.
In the meantime, discussions are ongoing with the Department of Sport and Recreation and health officials to increase the number of people allowed at a venue, subject to an approved COVID-safe plan for tennis. We will update you as soon as new information comes to hand.
Other important points to note from GRIT Coaching: – We will be returning Group Coaching hopefully on the 8th of June!
GRIT TENNIS would like to let all our clients know that as of Monday 8th of June we are hoping to resume our Junior Tennis program at clubs only! Coaches will be conducting a game-based approach coaching. We would like to inform you that as of the 8th of June these lessons are 2 weeks make up sessions which are to be made up from the last term. The other remaining weeks of this term GRIT COACHING TEAM have decided we will not charge you for our service. We know it has been a long time coming; however, we do recognise there might be some hardship for families, and for now we would like to see your children active. Adult coaching programs are soon to follow however fees may apply. A personal text message will be sent to you for more information to come.
· Parents are encouraged to stop drop and go to avoid unnecessary gathering.
· Players are to have their own racquets and if they are in financial hardship they can request one from me.
· Players are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer in their racquet bags.
· Players are limited to what equipment can be touched if the equipment is touched they will need to make sure not to touch their face but to sanitize their hands after.
· Both players and coaches will need to be in a healthy state. If a child is sick please remain at home; if they turn up and look unwell, Grit staff will contact parents immediately to pick up your child and they will not participate in class.
· Players and coaches have the right to wear masks and gloves during their play if they feel it is necessary.
Yours in Tennis
Please help to keep our club and players healthy by abiding by hygiene and social distancing restrictions. Thanks for your cooperation
Last Updated 20th May 2020
Last night, May 19, the Queensland Government amended the conditions for tennis court usage that had originally been approved to commence May 16. As of now, the total number of people at the tennis courts facility is limited to 10. Tennis Queensland is appealing this decision and we will let you know if changes occur.
Below is the supported message from the Board of Tennis QLD.
to the 10 per court rule
On Friday night, the Queensland Government released a
roadmap to easing restrictions, and these were communicated immediately with
Today, without any consultation with us, we received
confirmation from the Queensland Government that the gatherings restriction has
been updated and tightened, effective immediately.
Please note this
change restricts any tennis venue from having more than 10 people on site
(including indoor and outdoor spaces) at one time.
The changes can be read in the government’s updated FAQ’s
document, which explicitly references tennis
We have updated our Return to Play
Roadmap, outlining how
these restrictions need to be applied.
Tennis Queensland has a responsibility to inform you
of this latest health advice from the Queensland Government, you are required
to abide by the public health orders, ensuring the protection of the community.
Tennis Queensland is here to help you work through
these changes, and understand the inconvenience this change will cause in the
short term. We would like to reiterate this change is beyond our control.
Today we submitted a request for an exemption for
tennis, and we will continue to work closely with the Queensland Government
over the coming days. We will update you immediately of any changes.
Warwick Nicol
Tennis Queensland President
Mark Handley
Tennis Queensland CEO
Last Update: 16th May 2020
As of 16th of May, we have approval from the local council, board of Tennis QLD, and governing body Tennis Australia that Grit Tennis and Associated Clubs can operate due to strict guidelines. Please view the Road Map of Return Play and we are currently in Stage 1 from Tennis QLD and the updated Tennis Australia Covid 19 – Community Tennis Guidelines .
The main points we now need to note from the clubs point of view or observe are:
· 2 full-sized courts will be available for use
· Staggered times will be available for booking with a maximum of 1 hour per booking
· Singles or doubles can now be played – Coaching program – (a maximum of 10 people per court is permissible providing social distancing of 1.5 meters is maintained)
· One toilet will be provided for emergency use
· No water bubbler will be available – please bring your own water
· Players are requested to bring their own hand sanitiser for use when they enter the courts and when they leave the courts. The club will make available hand sanitiser or wipes for emergency use inside the gate
The main points we now need to note from coaching point of view or observe are:
· Parents are encouraged to stop drop and go to avoid unnecessary gathering.
· Players are to have own racquets and if they are in financial hardship they can request one from me.
· Players are encouraged to bring own hand sanitizer in their racquet bags.
· Players are limited to what equipment can be touched if equipment is touched they will need to make sure not to touch their face but to sanitize their hands after.
· Both players and coaches will need to be in a healthy state. If child is sick please remain at home; if they turn up and look unwell, Grit staff will contact parents immediately to pick up your child and they will not participate in class.
· Players and coaches have the right to wear masks and gloves during their play if they feel it is necessary.
GRIT TENNIS would like to let all our clients know that as of Monday 25th of May we will resume our Junior Tennis program at clubs only! Programs are to run for only 45mins or maximum an hour. With limited courts, we will be conducting more of a game based approach coaching with no more than 10 to a court. We would like to inform that as of 25th of May these lessons are 2 weeks make up sessions which are to be made up from last term. The other remaining weeks of this term GRIT COACHING TEAM have decided we will not charge you for our service. We know it has been a long time coming; however we do recognise there might be some hardship for families and for now we would like to see your children active. Adult coaching programs are soon to follow however fee’s may apply. A personal text message will be sent to you for more information to come.
Yours in Tennis
Please help to keep our club and players healthy by abiding by hygiene and social distancing restrictions. Thanks for your cooperation
Last Update: 30th April 2020
As of 2nd of May, we have approval from the local council, board of Tennis QLD, and governing body Tennis Australia that Grit Tennis and Associated Clubs can operate due to strict guidelines. Please view the Community Tennis Guidelines for Continue Play in order for our sport to be safe and to continue with its operations. Currently coaching will be 1:1 however coaching availability will be very limited.
We advise you to also to bring your own Sanitizers to wipe your hands before and after play and to also wipe any metal objects such as doors before opening or leaving the venue.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Last Update: 30th March 2020